Thursday, August 2, 2012

we were wrong!: day 48/365

we are really beginning to think we were wrong about food poisoning. My sister, who feels absolutely awful for doing so, has given both Kelli and I the flu.Mom got a call from Teresa today as well telling us that both Carl and Nathan are sick and passed the flu onto Joey (her bf) too! This stuff is spreading like wildfire! Mom is feeling pretty rough too. I am not going to lie to you all though, I am posting this after the second, because I honestly could not hardly move on the second without throwing up or feeling like I was going to. Poor Kelli had it worse than any of us so far though and has even endured a trip to the ER, but with medicine, hopefully she is feeling better. To imagine what it feels like with this crap, imagine getting drug behind a horse for a few miles and then hit by a semi going 70 miles an hour! All the while throwing up. If you are me, you also slept on the couch and when you woke up sick, you got moved to the "quarentine zone" (which we later learned was pointless!) which is upstairs and than means crawling/hopping my way to bed up there! I did make it, but barely! I just crawled up into the bed and died a little! it was awful and I really did feel like death! Thank goodness this crap only lasts for 24 hours or so....unless you are Kelli, who 2 days after everyone else feels better is feeling crummy! Secondly, I didn't have internet at my aunt's house, so with the exception of this blog post, I wrote them all and so I just have to upload them! So even without internet....I am dedicated.....y'all just remember that! I would upload a pic, but I don't think you all want to see my sick face. One of my friends wanted a pic, even though I told him I was sick. He tried to still tell mo I was beautiful, but I don't believe him so this comes without a picture....sorry folks! In other news: my cousin had here baby! A little girl: Hope Gene! I haven't gotten to see her still, but I am sure she is just beautiful like her momma! Can't wait to meet her....maybe at my other cousin's baby shower next weekend! :) Deuces!

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