Friday, August 24, 2012

Remembering Legends: day 70/365

y parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary yesterday, and in holding true to tradition, I battled the siblings to see who could tell them "Happy Anniversary" first. If you are my little brother, it is a "Happy big word I can't spell" message, but the message is the same never the less. Anywho, 25 years is a long time to make it, and it is even more awesome knowing that they are still just as, if not more, in love as they were the day they got married. I think, when it comes to milestone moments in people's life, it is soooo important to remember those who got them there. I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt, that my Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Cross are one of the main reasons that my parents have the marriage that they do. They were married for right under 65 years before my Great-Grandma passed away. Even in the small amount of time that I knew thing was for certain: they were so in love and nothing would ever change that. Even after my Great-Grandma got sick, my Great-Grandpa never stopped taking care of her! My great-grandma passed away in 2003, and I remember being at the funeral and being sad that she was gone, but being absolutely devastated to think about my great-grandpa having to live life without her. You see, I don't really remember much of my great-grandma except that my great-grandpa loved her. A lot of what I know about her comes from stories that my parents have told me, or stories that my great-grandpa told me. She died when I was 12 years old, and we weren't up to see them too much before that that I can remember. They lived in Roundup, Montana and so it wasn't like we could just pack up the car and go see them for the weekend. I faintly remember meeting her when I was 7 years old, but beyond that, I do not really remember her. It sounds awful, but I just don't. My great-grandpa, however, I do really remember. I started going to Montana for the summers a couple years before he died, and we always made it a point to go and see him a few times throughout the summer. I went to Montana to travel with my aunt and uncle (my dad's brother) to help them with their concession stand and also help to take care of their four kiddos. Just a kind of all around extra set of hands. Anywho, in the couple summers that I went out there, I felt like him and I became pretty close. He passed away 2 days after I graduated from High School in 2009. At his funeral, I was definitely sad, but I also remember a small part of me being at total peace. He was with my great-grandma again, and I knew that I would see him again. I won't see him on this side of Heaven, but I really do believe that I will see him on the other side of Heaven. I just know in my heart that they are up in Heaven together, just rejoicing the fact that they are together again! In December of 2010, I went in and had my heart set on getting a tattoo in their memory. I however, am not creative....AT ALL, and so I knew that the designing would have to be left to Larry at Bootlegger. Dad went in with me and I love how much help he was able to be. I knew that I wanted a tattoo to remember them by that was based off of things that I knew about them and so I just went in with a list of attributes that I remembered about them. I knew I wanted to incorporate in their love for each other, and also to make known how amazing it was with how long they had been married. The only thing I had to look up that I didn't know was their wedding year. I thought it was 1940....but I was off a year.....oops! Regardless though, I hope to one day have a marriage that is even half as good as their was. If I had that, I would still have so much love....more than I would ever know what to do with!

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