Wednesday, August 1, 2012

my day: day 47/365

Pictured below is a picture I thought to snap to show everyone that my blogging, while short at times and sloppy at other times, comes from a dedicated soul. You can see part of a child's head (my nephew's) while my computer is in front of him on my lap. Why you might ask? because I am a dedicated blogger....and auntie too! I was keeping an eye on him and we cuddled up and watched cartoons, partly in hopes to slow him down a bit and partly in hopes that it would put him to sleep. I thought about having my brother take him up and lay him in his playpen with his mom, but then decided that was probably a bad idea! My poor sissy (his momma) we believe has food poisoning...poor girl! She still came down to my cousin's house though, because tonight Amy was induced which means...we should have a baby by morning...hopefully!!*crossing fingers* So many exciting things happening. And to top it all off, my cousins, Carl and Nate, got to spend the night last night and so they were at the house to hang out with us this morning. I will also put a picture of me with all the kiddos too! I think that is about it for my day today, so with my nephew on my lap and the need to go get ready for bed....I bid you all good evening and wish you all the sweetest of dreams, while wishing myself the greatest of luck as I move my nephew so I can put on pajamas....hoping he stays asleep!

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