Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh the things we do for love! day 1/365

ok! I am going to give this a try and see what happens. I am making it a certain challenge to myself to keep up with it. The rules are simple. I will post at least one picture daily. A picture that depicts how I am feeling, a picture that makes me giggle, one that explains my day, or one I simply adore! I will post it and write a small blurb about it. However, in the event that I can't get the picture uploaded, I will just describe it and try to upload it at a later date. I mean, let's face HATES me! :p Ok so today's picture! This is a picture of me and my best friend, Amber! I will explain this picture a little bit. It was taken at this year's Superbowl party. Amber and I like watching football and such, but neither of the teams playing are our favorites (but that didn't keep us from being hardcore cheerleaders during the game :) ) Anyhow, my favorite team is the Broncos ( a love that started BEFORE, but was made stronger with, Tim Tebow :))and her favorite is the Packers. WE have joked since football season started, that I was going to marry Tim Tebow, which started because I was saying that I wanted a good, Christian guy that wouldn't be afraid to stand up for his faith, even if it meant meeting persecution. Then the statement came out of my mouth: "you know, like Tim Tebow. One day, I will marry the Tim Tebow of normal people!" To which, my lovely bestie responded "why settle? Just marry Tim Tebow himself!" Thus, the "Future Mrs. Tebow" title! and what better way to honor the future hubby than to sport HIS colors (well they were at the time!), and doing HIS signature move....while watching HIS sport? Even though he wasn't playing! I am such a good fictional wife.....although getting me to watch the Jets play is going to be about as difficult as getting me to go to the dentist! Here is a picture of the shirt I was wearing....made by my bestie lol! This is the front. It says " I cheer..." and has a 15! and this is the back. it says "even when he's not playing" and says Tebow like a jersey!

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