Friday, June 29, 2012

It only took 21 years: day 14/365

This....this is how it all started....well not all, but this particular leg of this adventure (don't mind the pun). Anyhow, when I was in Branson this past April, I was sitting at a concert (feet flat on the ground) and my foot just started to swell. Matt went to get a bag of ice and ended up, after telling the concession stand person what was going on, coming back with EMTs. The EMT was worried about where the pain was and sent me to Urgent Care, and they diagnosed it as tendinitis. When I came home a week later, my family doctor took it out of the brace and we decided we would see how it did without it. Five weeks later, there was still a lot of swelling and pain. I went to a specialist, and then he taped it (see pic below)...we ended up in a SECOND round of tape, and after no luck with that, I ended up going to a different specialist today and now I am in a walking boot. Within the two specialists, we learned a couple of things about my foot...the bones of my foot curve and I also have an extra bone in my ankle. However, the doctor does not believe that any of these problems are causing the issues I am having now. The specialist today says that my foot has already done what it is going to do and has already adjusted to it....I mean, it has been this way since I was born....which means...well, 21 years! Also, I have not had a swollen ankle and ankle pain constantly either. Therefore, he says that those things just are what they are to a point, and there is obviously somethign else going on. I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday. The doctor says that with the pain where it is, and how much pain I am in, it is conducive with a sprain or cartilage damage....and he does not believe it is a sprain, because then anti-inflammatories and such would have helped. Hopefully we have answers next week and hopefully he is able to help me feel better soon! I am just tired of being hurt and tired of not sleeping!

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