Friday, November 16, 2012

nailed it! day 16

Today, I am thankful for girls in my life to do Pintrest-esque projects with. I have a few different girls that I can do things with. Tonight, it happened to be Jen, Alex, and myself who decided to give our go at marble painted nails. To do this, contrary to the name, you do not use marbles! Anywho, to do this, you put a couple drops of two different colors of nail polish, and then you run a toothpick through them to make designs with them, and then you pick a design spot and put your nail down on it, count to ten or so, and then lift up the nail. Seems easy enough right? Do not let it deceive is NOT as easy at it sounds! It took Jen, Alex, and I like an hour and a half to get it to work! If nothing else, even had we not figured it out, the memories made were worth the experience alone. Seriously, more and more I am living by the philosophy that life is about laughing too much, taking too many pictures, and enjoying the moments spent making memories. I mean seriously though, who remembers what they did all those Friday nights they sat in their rooms and did homework? Not me! Nights like tonight though, I am going to remember long after my sides stop hurting from laughing so dang much. Best part of the evening=plans to do this one Friday or Saturday night a month. I am stoked! Absolutely can't wait! For now though, I am off to get in the shower and then take my medicine and head to bed!

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