Saturday, November 17, 2012

day 17

Tonight, I am thankful for both my sit down shower and my ice. It seems like odd things to be thankful for, but when you fall as much as I do, you need these things! Today, I actually managed to fall off of a sidewalk....yes folks, a sidewalk and hurt myself. I fell and scraped up my knee, but even worse, I hurt the foot that was already hurt. When I fell I felt a pop and it is swollen. Gonna try and stay off of it as much as possible this weekend, and then see what Justin says at physical therapy on Monday. Maybe my whole Thanksgiving Break is going to end up filled with dr. appointments! grrrrr! I think I am the person I know who gets hurt the most. I mean really, what college age kid falls off the side of a sidewalk and actually hurts themselves enough to debate going to get it checked out. the only thing stopping me is that if they find anything wrong with it, then they are going to want to fix it there (let it be with a brace or whatever) and I do not want anything done with that foot without Justin or Dr. Kuhn doing it! I feel like that is just asking for something to go wrong. At any rate, thsi thing won't let me put a picture in, and so I am going to head and take a shower and then go to bed with ice on my ankle. Hopefully the swelling will go down and I will be able to move my toes in the morning!

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