Friday, September 14, 2012

Update on life: day 83/365

Life has been crazy around here.....and not in the way that I crave when I go back to school either. I don't really want to explain it all right now, but jsut know that I give my sincerest, heart felt apology for not blogging the last week or so. After this weekend....I think it will all calm down enough for me to go back to blogging on a normal basis. Some of you know what is going on and completely understand the lack of blogging. For those of you who don't day I may be able to talk about it and when that day comes....I will!
On a much happier note, today was miss Grace Lou's birthday. She turned three. It was so funny because yesterday, we were asking her what she wanted for her birthday and the conversation went a little bit like mom "Grace, what do you want for your birthday?" Grace "presents" mom "what kind of presents?" Grace "birthday presents!" mom "ok.....when you open these presents, what do you want them to be?" Grace "oh! choo choo trains" mom "ok, anything else" Grace "lots of choo choo trains......and I can stay hydrated!" that kid is a goof......that being said.....she got an 8 pack of water from aunt Vikki today. they were even the little bottles so they are perfect Grace sized bottles. I have been so blessed by having Grace in my life! That little girl brings so many smiles to my face! I just love her to my future classroom, I woudl liek 20 or 25 kids that are jsut like her....that are jsut so funny and cute and compassionate and just overall good kids! I will put a picture up of the birthday girl and I later.
On a totally different note, I was able to get into the doctor earlier this week and he is sending me to a knee surgeon, who requested tha tI get an MRI before going into their office. I went and got that done and it shows a severe sprain to my knee, but there is not much they can do about it because the doctor has now put me in a full length boot. This means that my boot goes up and ends right below my knee. The denim that you see is my jeans rolled up sitting right on my knee. it is awful. Tonight, I am adding an ace bandage to the knee. Hopefully this all gets better soon....I am so ready to get better!

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