Wednesday, October 17, 2012


ok, I decided to wait on this week's blog so that I could update after surgery. Yesterday was surgery and it went really well. They found a shelf thing in my knee and said that it was causing pain every single time I bent my knee. It was no wonder it was hurting! I was feeling really good yesterday and was up on it quite a bit. However, today it is pretty sore, but still just taking it one day at a time. Gonna pause for now and come back after a bit.
That is how my knee looks as of this morning. I kinda thought it looked funny, but dad assures me it looks just like it is supposed to.
Now tonight, my recovery has been hanging out with my little cousins. I am challenging Carl Gene, 10 years old, at song pop from across the living room. He is pretty good.....especially at the 80's collection. That is me and him up there. I love these boys with all my heart. Hard to imagine a world where I will be able to love my own kids as much as I love these little people that my world has come to revolve around.
Then, as Carl is playing song pop against me, Nate, his 6 year old brother, is dancing around the living room singing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" Oh goodness, I love these boys a ton!
That was my leg a couple of days ago when I came home. The white tight looking things are compression sock type thingies, and I have two of them on now. They help with circulation. So far recovery is going well. I have only had to use the crutches once, and it was right after I woke up yesterday morning. I was pretty stiff, but they told me to be ready for that. Overall though, I am pretty happy with is going well and I am not in nearly as much pain as I anticipated! :)
And now for your "Words of Wisdom" I heard this one in Chapel on Wednesday a few weeks ago....and it went something to this effect "The life you have always dreamed of, lies in the mission you have always dreaded."
before I forget. I need to take this chance to brag on Kelley, Sarah, and Amber. These girls helped me move in to my new room on Saturday! I could not have done it without them. And I am totally convinced they had so many other things they would have preferred to be doing, but they took a good part of the day to help me. How did I get so blessed?!?! I love my life, my friends, and my family! :) God is far too good to me, and I forget to thank him for it nearly enough!

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