Saturday, June 23, 2012

putting the pieces back together the right way: day 8/365

ok I know what you are thinking "is this crazy chick seriously going to write a post ALL about her puzzle?" the answer to that is no. The topic of this post just started with putting that puzzle together. This was the first puzzle that I have ever put together. Mom and dad got it for me as a Christmas Gift so that I could put it together and hang it in my dorm room! I started it around the 7th of January and finished on the 13th of January. The 13th of January is the anniversary of my grandmother's death (this year was 9 years) and so a lot of thinking started happening on that day, as was pretty normal. But as I laid on my floor with my puzzle, pieces sprawled out all over around the puzzle and in front of me, I realized that just like I could pick up one of those pieces, and put it in place....I could do the same with my own life. You see, some of the pieces, I could pick up and find a place right then, some I kept coming back to and back to to try and find a place, and some were similar looking to the pieces that I need and I put them in the wrong places and it threw off the whole puzzle later. I mean, that is JUST like life! Sometimes, I meet someone (like Matt and Britt) and they just fit into life right then, other times, I kept coming back to people and back to people (like Amber...I helped in youth for like a year and a half before her and I were super close), and there were some people (like my high school friends) that fit into a place in life...even if the place they are in is only temporary (I am not friends with any of the close friends I had in high school anymore). They worked for a time there, but then had to moved in order for the puzzle to make sense and fit right. I also realized as I glued it that in life there were things that held us all together. A love for a certain band, a friend, a class we had together, or something else. I mean, just like my puzzle needed the glue to stay together, friends need common interests and such to keep them together. And then, i don't know if someone was praying for patience for me or what, because I COULD NOT find a frame for that thing anywhere. It sat in my dorm room glued for like 2-3 weeks before my friend Aimee finally bought me one when we saw it at Wal-Mart. The final thing I learned is that you life needs to be something that you would be proud to display and say "yeah, I put it together" I mean, if you would be afraid to display your life as a whole, why would you do what you are doing. I mean, we all have and do things that we are not proud of, but in the end I feel like you hold the power to make the picture more beautiful! I mean, if I left all the pieces out of my puzzle that were not aesthetically pleasing, it wouldn't have been complete, just like life isn't complete if you don't make mistakes every once in a while. Anywho, just like I put each of those puzzle pieces into place one by one, I am slowly starting to put the pieces of my life back together one by one....unfortunately, creating life's masterpiece is DEFINITELY taking longer than that puzzle did....but in it's will be certain to create a MUCH grander picture!! :)

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