Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I love visits: Day 46/365

My brother and his girlfriend, Kelli, came to visit today and they brought Trevor (Kelli's son) with them! I love when we get to see them and I have really missed them lately! Trevor is pretty well always excited to see us. Both times he has come to the house he has really seemed to enjoy it as well! I love that little boy so very much and I absolutely adore Trevor! I am also so very excited that my big brother has found an awesome girl that makes him happy! Anyhow, this is going to be short, and I actually do not have any Olympic news to share today....I have been on and off watching all day with the nephew here and shopping, and then Josh, Kelli and Trevor showing up. I did however see a spoiler that the women's gymnastics team gets gold....but shhhh.....it hasn't happened yet! One of my friends just put it on Twitter earlier. And oh! I lied....Phelps has officially become the most decorated Olympian in history! congrats you fish....congrats!

Monday, July 30, 2012

"medium well": day 45/365

I am only done "medium well" in the words of my doctor. He was going to attempt to take some of the stitches out, but when he was taking them out, he just gave me a look that told me he was sympathetic, and said "sorry, you are only done medium well." that being said.....it is going to be another week before these darn stitches come out. I mean, I am glad that they are being thorough and making sure I am good and healed, it just stinks that it is taking this long. Honestly, right now, I just want to walk...like really walk, not hop. The crutches aren't bad, they just make it where it takes a bit longer to get places. I am getting pretty good at the crutches though.....*knock on wood* i haven't had any major slip up since the initial one when I came home. I have had to catch myself on the walls and on the stair railings a couple of times, but it hasn't been too bad. I am definitely ready to walk again though, but this is the way it needs to be! I think they were hoping that by giving me smiley face wrap, that recovery would be a bit more bearable! At this present moment in time, I can't tell if it is the smiley face tape, or the percocet....but I am feeling better! Please continue keeping me in your thoughts and prayers....I can feel them everyday as I hit little bumps in the road, and little frustrations at not being able to do very much on my own. In other news: I got to take a shower today.....it felt glorious! and in Olympic news: Missy Franklin won her first medal today in the Olympics! Such an exciting day for so many Olympic athletes today! :) peace out peoples!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Team USA: day 44/365

Well….the boys did it! They medaled! They got silver, but hey….we can’t win them all! I have to say, my favorite sports are the water sports. I loved watching water polo, sync. diving, relays, and all things water sports today. I got to also see Vollmer of Team USA not only win a gold medal, but also set a World Record today! I also really like the volleyball events! Whether they are team or couples, sand or gym….I mean, those are overall my favorite sports outside of the Olympics too so I guess it makes sense……can’t wait to see what tomorrow hold for Team USA!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

hottie with a body!: day 43/365

Two words: RYAN LOCHTE! He is the new face for Team USA swimming. He was up against Michael Phelps (the crazy guy that got 8 gold medals out of 8 in Beijing, China). Not only did Ryan BEAT Phelps, but he beat EVERYONE! He got first in his heat and if I remember correctly, he got first overall as well. Plus, let’s face it…..he’s a hottie with body…..which makes the win that much more sweet. It means that whenever he wins, we get to see his shirtless self in front of the camera. He swims on a 4x100M relay team tomorrow with Cullen Jones, Michael Phelps, and Nathan Adrian. Wishing the boys all the boest of luck…….go Team USA!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympics!: day 42/365

OK, I am usually not one for the Olympics….like I usually don’t even know when they are. However, this year, for some reason unknown to me, I am really excited to watch them! Tonight, I watched the opening ceremony and it was PHENOMENAL I really liked the rings that spit down fire, and I also really liked the Olympic torch ceremony part. I mean, it was all excellent, but those parts were my favorite. The part that stunned me the most was Jackie Chan and Queen Elizabeth. Seriously, how do you begin to approach that….I can see this convo going on right now…. “Mrs. Queen, I have this crazy idea, and I want to know what you think” “hit me with it” “ok, I think you should parachute into the Olympics with James Bond….thoughts?” “Why the heck not You Only Live Once!” That’s right….I totally just made a YOLO reference in my blog….get over it….it was funny! Anyhow, I am just taken in and can’t wait to see what the rest of the Olympics have in store!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

leaping froggies!: day 41/365

This little guy gave mom quite the scare tonight. First of all, we have NO idea how he got into the house. Second of all, we also have no idea how it got up onto the vanity in the bathroom. Anyhow, mom went in to use the bathroom and then put her hand on the counter of the vanity in the bathroom and was so startled that she tried to scream, but couldn’t manage to make a sound. She regained her composure and put the frog in a cup and covered it with one of Isaac’s bath toy cup things that has holes in it. Now here is where I enter the picture…..later on she was talking to my little brother and telling him about it, along with her apprehension to go outside and let it go….so he tells her to check on it and make sure it didn’t die because she mentioned that it hadn’t moved in awhile. When mom does that, the frog jumps out of the cup and behind the vacuum. *cue another freak-out here* so she gets it re caught in the cup and then is debating what to do with it. She has since decided that she IS NOT going outside, and has also decided that she is going to get NO sleep if the frog stays in this cup because she is going to lay in bed and wonder if it got out. So we decided to put him in a fishtank in our living room that doesn’t have fish in it yet. Before you think we are retarded, we are waiting to take my cousins and my nephew to pick out fish so that is why the tank is not entirely set up yet…..that and we need to get a filter. Anywho, she put the frog in there and covered it with an air-conditioner filter and a board game and stuff…..until he could be released back out into the wild outdoors by dad the next morning….Never a dull moment!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It won't be like this for long: day 40/365

I love to cuddle. I mean, with anyone…ok, that sounds bad….but I really love to cuddle! Sometimes I cuddle with mom, and sometimes with Krystal, but my favorite cuddle buddy, I have found is Isaac. I mean, I love the feeling of him cuddling up with me and then falling asleep on my chest. I think I love it so much because I know it won’t always happen. One day, that little boy will get too old (I don’t think he will ever get too big at this rate) to fall asleep on my chest. Regardless, I think I will always have a special bond with him. I love these little moments and I don’t take them for granted. Nor do I ever feel too busy for them….even with a million things to do…

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

at this rate....will the stitches come out early?!?!: day 39/365

so, I had to go back to the doctor today because I kept having shooting pains in my foot and then it would just go dead. It was AWFUL! anyhow, he took the ace bandage part off and then the mold thing off, and put me under strict orders to be very careful with it. Anyhow.....at this rate (losing two layers of bandages a day) I have concluded that my stitches will actually come out early lol! Anyhow, here is to hoping that this new bandaging will allow me the relief needed to sleep tonight....goodness, I hope so! Thank you to all of you who are praying for me!

Monday, July 23, 2012

check-up day!: day 38/365

went to the doctor today.....as you can see....I got to see my incision. He feels that it is doing well healing and such, but thinks we may need to leave to stitches in another week... just to make sure it is good and healed! The only part that sucks about that is that means another week or crutches. When he bandaged it all back up, he gave me some bright green wrapping stuff....I love it! In other news: I really need to quit watching the food network, because now I a, REALLY craving some freaking chicken fried steak!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

looking forward to THAT night: day 37/365

I can't wait for the night when I sleep all through the night again. right now, I sleep for many hours of the day, but they say that is good right now. Right now I am fighting sleep so that I can watch the finale for the next food network star! I'm passing time by watching Criminal Minds! LOVE THIS SHOW! Anyhow, I gotta go cause my foot is hurting me.....can't wait till this starts to feel better..... :/

Saturday, July 21, 2012

starting to feel it!: day 36/365

so last night was rough. I woke up around four in a ton of pain, mom helped me get some pain meds and such, but they didn't make going to sleep any easier really! I still had a hard time getting comfy enough to sleep! Hopefully sleeping will get easier as time progresses! Mom is being a champ though! She is getting up with me, even in the middle of the night! I am the luckiest girl in the world. My family is taking such good care of me....and I could not be any more grateful for that! For those of you who are wondering what kind of bandages I have on after surgery, here is a picture. This is going to be short because we are getting ready to eat dinner and have a game night....my family is the best!

Friday, July 20, 2012

outings!: day 35/365

went out to eat tonight with mom and some of her old co-workers were supposed to be there. They didn't show, but it was a good time still. It definitely wore me out though! I am making it around pretty well and I am doing A LOT better on the crutches! Mom is still being the ultimate help to have around and dad keeps bringing home sweets for me.....he is the best! anyhow, thanks to all of you who are praying and keep praying for a speedy recovery! I love you all and I am sorry that these are gonna be short the next few days.....stupid pain!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

surgery day!: day 34/365

OK, this is going to be super short and hove no picture, for two reasons: 1) I am tired and the numbing is wearing off my ankle, and 2) my camera, with a picture of my bandaging, is on the entertainment center, and I am on the couch....to get it would involve moving my bed side table, sitting up, then getting my crutches, to crutch five feet, throw my camera case on the bed then do all that in reverse....no way! Anyhow,I am doing good so far, but like I said, the numbing is just now wearing off, so we will have to see how tomorrow goes. I have only had 2 mishaps with the crutches, but mom was there to catch me both times....I don't go anywhere on the crutches without her today! I am a lot better on them this time than I was last time at least! welp, time for bed....later peeps!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bye, Bye Booty!:Day 33/365

Ok so my boot comes off in approximately 7 hours! I check-in in 6 hours.....my nerves are now getting the best of me and I am thinking it is definitely going to be awhile before I go to sleep if at all! I still don't know for sure if it is nerves, or not! I mean, I don't feel like I do before a big test, or before the first day of a new school year. It isn't the same feeling as that, but still a different feeling than I have had these past few weeks! I don't know, all I know is that I am really thirsty and I can't drink anything for at least another 8 hours.....this blows. I also know that my ankle HURTS tonight, but prolly cause I was on it for a while this evening! On another note, I finished packing my stuff for college, and that was gonna be y'all's picture, but I can't get it from my phone to my computer......stupid technology! anyhow, it is all done, except the stuff I still use, and so that is one less thing to worry about! Sorry this is short, but I am going to try and lay down again. I am also going to apologize to those who regularly read my blog, that there may or may not be a blog tomorrow! It will all be dependent on how I feel! peace out peeps!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

family:day 32/365

This is my family! A lot about it has changed since this picture. Krystal has gotten married and had a baby, Josh and Chris moved, Josh isn't in the military anymore either. I mean, A LOT has changed, but one thing that hasn't is our bond. I mean, it has changed in some ways, but mostly it hasn't. It is hard to explain! The bond is still so strong, but it has changed a bit! Regardless, I love my family and I wouldn't change our bond for the world!

crossing things off the to-do list!: day 31/365

ok, I can't get my photo to upload, so pretty much it was just a picture of my to-do list for before surgery with things crossed off. Some things on the list are more important than others, like calling the hospital, getting my insurance card and ID around, things like that. Other items are not so important....like taking a nice hot shower, (because I can't have too much heat on it after surgery)making the couch bed so mom doesn't have to do it when I get home, etc. Other things are kinda in the middle, but I guess would lean more towards the important side, like cleaning my room and packing for college. Today was room cleaning day....and so that make tomorrow packing for college day. This day will consist of unpacking everything (and before you judge, I have double of mostly everything that I use at home and at school to avoid having to carry things back and forth and having problems when I come home....plus I was hurt!) and then repacking it more effectively! I am going to be super excited that all of this is done and all that, and about the fact that this means the rest of my break consists of focusing on healing, and not much else. However, it is the getting to that point that is driving me crazy. Between all the phone calls and little jobs that need done before surgery, I am going crazy! I mean, I knew there was a lot to do before surgery, but some of the jobs that I thought would be easiest, such as picking out clothes to come home in....have been the hardest. I mean, I know whatever I pick has to be comfy, while still having the ability to fit over my dressing, yet tight enough that I can use crutches without them falling off! I think I am just going to go the basketball shorts and t-shirt approach, because well....if you come to my house after I have had surgery and judge me for what I am wearing....then screw you and you can leave! Anywho, I better get to bed, because I have a busy day tomorrow! Hopefully I can get everything done before Thursday! 2 days and a wake-up till surgery folks! keep praying! (I counted today because....well.....we are only two hours into it, and I haven't gone to bed yet, so in my brain it doesn't register as a new day yet!) Since my picture wouldn't upload....here is what I wish my to-do list was! :) Have a good day peeps!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

growing up sucks!:day 30/365

ok so unfortunately....my "museum" is about to be closed for good! I had it mostly clean and such, but tomorrow, mom says that we have to get my room completely cleaned and ready to go.....AND pack up my stuff for college. Make sense with surgery coming, but it just seems like a lot of work. I know I will enjoy when it is done.....it is just the getting it done part that sucks! Also....I got the living room all rearranged, so that is one less thing that needs done before Thursday! I am starting to get more excited than anxious. I know it sounds weird to be excited about a surgery, but whatevs. I actually think that the anxiousness is over the surgery and the excitement stems from FINALLY feeling better! I have been dealing with this leg as long as I could remember, but this ankle has been bothering me pretty consistently for the last two years! I mean, maybe the tendon was torn this whole time and we just now found it! No way of knowing, but at any rate....3 days and a wake up til showtime! I will try and update my blog on Thursday sometime, but no promises...I think surgery is a valid excuse for missing a day!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

cabins, sweat, and tanlines: day 29/365

I have been reminiscing a lot about church camp lately, all the different "family groups" I was in and all the life changes that took place there. I mean, many many life changing talks took place all over the camp grounds and I get to witness many lives being changed. I know for me....that basketball court was the place my life got turned all the way around by a guy named Scott Brawner, not long after my grandmother had passed. I was holding on to a lot of different emotions and a lot of hate and anger and un-forgiveness. That night Scott reminded me that by feeling that way, I was only hurting myself and my Lord, and how it was alright to feel that way every now and then, but that I needed to remind myself that every minute I felt that way, was going to be a minute of happiness that I could NEVER get back. Like I said...many life changing moments. It wasn't all about those moments though, there were a lot of fun times at good ole Camp Bobwhite! WE always had family challenges, where I learned a lot about my ability to trust others, or the lack thereof, to help me accomplish a task. I learned a lot about team work, friendships, and how at camp....appearance doesn't matter. That is also the place that prepared me the most for what college had in store for me....having to shave my legs in a sink. Also, the showers....oh my goodness, the showers. Generally there were two temperatures....either antarctic cold, or fiery pits of hell hot! Plus, when you share a shower with 25 other girls in a cabin....that typically meant that past person number 3 or 4....it was cold. Definitely made me appreciate the shower at home much more when the week was through. I also remember the worship. That is probably one of my fonder memories of camp. I loved the simplicity of it all and I often find myself longing to be sweating my face off, listening to the sounds of only a guitar, soft drums, and 300 teenagers lifting their voices to the King of Kings. I loved it. I really do miss it...although I will never miss playing red rover, red rover. I gave it a good solid couple tries, once I almost broke the nose of a person on my team when I flipped over their arm and the person's arm next to them, and the second time, I broke through and tripped over a big pile of wood. All in all though, I spent many good, blistering hot, bug infested, life changing weeks in those woods....no cell phone, no computer....just me, my bible, my teammates, and my Jesus!

Friday, July 13, 2012

what to do on "bedrest": day 28/365

I have decided what I am going to do while I am on "bedrest" after surgery! I AM GOING TO TRY AND PLAY THE GUITAR! I mean, it is an activity that I can do while I am just sitting, and so I think it will be perfect! plus....I have been wanting to learn to play for a while! I think my friend Amber will appreciate this. I have a DVD that teaches guitar chords and such. Could be a success, could be disaster, only time will tell! If all else fails, Amber is supposed to help me learn when I go back to school. We will see how it all goes! anywho....this is short because I am tired and my ankle hurts....later peeps!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tonight, tonight!: day 27/365

I have LOVED having mom home this summer! We have played Yahtzee, Acey-doocey, and other various board games. Sometime Carl and Nate are out here and play games with us and sometimes they aren't. Regardless, mom and I have had some good times together this summer. Most days, we watch Investigation Discovery...people better look out, we have seen how murderers get away with it! totally kidding! Anyhow, I know it is also going to be so helpful come surgery time. She will be able to stay with me all day and therefore keeping both her mind, and mine, at ease a little more! Anyhow, I'm just excited about being able to spend time with mom this summer. We haven't had weddings or anything to really have to plan around. We had Terry's graduation at the beginning of the summer, but since then it has been a fun time just being able to hang out and chill at home. I miss my family in Montana dearly and I miss going there, but this alternative has not been bad at all!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Iong hair?:day 26/365

I am missing my long hair. I could do so much with my long hair. It looked so pretty down and straight, and didn't take a bazillion bobby pins to pin back! Although I can curl it more and have it sprunched more with it being short. Also my shorter hair is better and more cool in the summertime. I mean, up until summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college, the summer my sister got married, I can only recall twice that I had short hair....after the point at which I started doing my own hair/having my sister do it for me! Anywho...just a thought....I think I am going to grow it out....keep it ahile....then cut it again....maybe! We will see what happens!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Catching Up:day 25/365

I apologize! I could not get my blogger to work yesterday. Our internet has been being a little screwy, as well as our phones. Anyone else having that problem? I hope not! Anyhow, I got all my surgery info in the mail yesterday; schedule, location, pre-op instructions, post-op instructions etc. It is exciting and a little nerve-wracking all at the same time! I am excited to get this taken care of but I am just scared because it's surgery. I mean, there is always a certain amount of fear with surgery! Anyhow, I feel completely comfortable with the surgeon so the ratio of excited to fear is 99:1. Today or tomorrow we are going to rearrange the living room so that it can be my "bedroom" of sorts for the next few weeks. Hopefully this will be the thing that finally fixes my ankle for good!!! Pray for me! Surgery is set for July 19 at 8 AM. Sorry this is soooo short!

Monday, July 9, 2012

You are the potter, I am the Clay: day 24/365

I love how in life there are people that come in and then leave just as quickly, but then there are those who come in and stay for a while. This group of people has gotten me through soo much. Some I have known for years, and some I have only known a few short months, but these people, as well as those who walked out of my life, have taught me something about both life and about myself. And the people that I feel I could look at and say “God gave me you” is in NO way limited to only these people. There are pictures of my besties, of family, of friends, of kids, memorial tattoos to those that have passed away already, each touching my life in a way different way. Grace (top left corner) is quite possibly the most compassionate child I have ever met. She nearly had an emotional breakdown because my foot was hurt! My great-grandparents (big cross tattoo at the bottom-second from left) taught me so much about unconditional love! They loved each other SOOOO much, and my great-grandfathers love didn’t stop the day my great-grandmother died…it continued on until his death nearly 5 years later. Isaac (bottom, right-handed corner) has shown me (along with my ankle injury) to not take the little things for granted. He tries so hard to do things that I think are typically so easy, like going up and down the stairs, or carrying something from one place to the other. Amber (right side, second from the bottom) has taught me about laughing often. We are never short of laughs when we are together. Brad (top right corner) is there to offer a laugh or a helping text whenever I need it. He lets me vent, keeps me level-headed, and has, on more than one occasion, offered the perfect words for what was going on and keeping me from crying. With Brad, I have some of the goofiest conversations, and that same day can have a spiritually deep conversation! I love that type of balance! Matt and Britt (top second from the left and directly under) have taught me so much about friendship and about accepting people past and all. I love having conversations with them about life and Christ. I also love that we have a good time no matter what, even in the doctor’s office! I still think we were absolutely hilarious Britt! Amber Ash-Cook (Right side, second from top) has taught me so much about accepting the situation. She went through murder just like I did, yet I feel that she handled it so much better than I did. She helped me cope a lot through that situation. And don’t even get me started on my family, and various family friends (bottom row, second from the right)! There are way too many stories to choose just one! I don’t know though, that trip to Montana for the 60th wedding anniversary of my great-grandparents takes the cake for vacations, but many trips are a close second! I am growing to cherish times when my family is all together more and more as they are becoming fewer and farther between. The boys are in Iowa, and Krystal is married with a baby, and I am away at school more than I am home! I could go on and on about these people pictured here and also about people not pictured here. I love each of them and I am so glad that they are a part of my life and have shaped me to be who I am! I feel as though each of these people has been a potter in my clay life!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm a cuddle bug: day 23/365

Last night my nephew spent the night! I was sooooo excited to be able to see him! I love when he comes over and stays the night because that means cuddle time in the morning. It is that one part of the day where the child isn't on the go and will curl up on your lap and just sit! I love it! This is an older picture, but whatever. I have one from this morning, but it is not on my computer yet! Anyhow, he stayed here for quite a while today and his mom and dad came out to visit as well! Him and I also laid down in on mom's bed and took a nap! I love that little boy soooo much. I miss him when he is gone. Today, when I woke up he was all stretched out with his head on my tummy and his feet up by my face....no wonder I was so warm! Anywho, I will always cherish our cuddle moments because I know that one day, he will be too old to cuddle with his auntie anymore! Totally not looking forward to that day :(

Saturday, July 7, 2012

going to the chapel!: day 22/365

Ok…..sorry for the super short post the last few days. I am going to start working on them earlier in the day so that I am not as exhausted when it comes time to write them each day. By golly though, I set a goal and I am going to stick to it! Except maybe surgery and the first few days after….I will see how I feel! Anyway, today is a very special day for a very special friend of mine, and I wish I could be there to celebrate with her! My roommate from my freshman year of college, Miss Julie Beth Merritt, is getting married today! She will be Mrs. Julie Beth Crudgington! I could not be happier for her and I wish her and George all the luck as they embark on this journey! It seriously seems like just yesterday her and I were sitting in our dorm room in our jammies talking about how attractive it is when a guy has an accent. Then….Julie started dating George and I just giggled with her over the fact that he had an accent (he is from England). It is really weird though to think that her and I will have no more late night talks in our jammies anymore, or sleepovers, or anything like that! Like I said though, I could not be more happy for them, and I wish I could be sitting in the crowd and then giving her a big hug on her special day. By time she reads this, she will be a newlywed and will then change from a traditional to a non-traditional student! It is so exciting for them and I will be creeping their facebooks quite frequently for pictures from the wedding! Here I am, apologizing for short posts, yet having another short one. Sorry people, I haven’t been doing much because of the ankle, so it makes for very uninteresting days! Keep reading though, it will get better I promise!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Remedy Drive: day 21/365

My University announced our welcome week band today! Remedy Drive is coming to my school! I am so stoked! I saw them a while ago at a church concert in Oak Grove. They were just starting out then and I got the chance to just hang out with them after the concert! It was awesome! We taught them the banana song and got a kick out of dancing to it with them in the church lobby! Anyhow! I could not be more excited to see them again! I love their music! Can't wait for school to start! I will be rocking out....in a walking boot! cause I'm awesome like that!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


to answer that question......Obviously.....I do....And I will continue to. I have to get my ankle tendon repaired. I have a longitudinal tear in my tendon. The doctor says that the only two options are to immobilize (which hasn't worked) or to do surgery. It has been being immobilized and it doesn't feel any better and the swelling isn't going down!Surgery is scheduled for July 19th....8 AM check-in. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I am excited that my ankle is finally getting fixed, but I am nervous because....it is surgery! Ultimately though.....from everything we have been reading, the surgery is successful! It will be 6 weeks of recovery; three on crutches and 3 in a walking boot.....hence, wearing a boot in the summer! Here are a few pictures about the journey to surgery! The first is the brace I got in Branson, second is the tape, and lastly is the boot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My real Fourth of July post!:day 19/365

first of all....my settings changed back to reading west coast time and now I am not entirely sure that I changed them back lol! I noticed it when I loaded my page yesterday and it said that the post was posted on the 3rd. I changed it once, but now I can't remember how to change it again....oh well.... means an extra two hours each day that I can use for blogging time! It would be great if i COULD spend that long blogging every day. I mean I love it, because when I am blogging sometimes, I go into my own little world! I crank the tubes and just write! and do you wanna know the best part? I write it and don't ever really know who reads it unless they comment. It could be one person who loads it 15 times, or it could be 15 people who load it once. Ultimately though....I don't really mind! Now for my real post: Fourth of July has always been a huge deal for me…for different reasons at different times. When I was younger, I loved it for the fireworks themselves. I loved watching them, I loved setting them off, and I didn’t even mind the yard clean-up the next day. As I got a little older, I started to love it for the sheer togetherness that it brought. We would all pile in the car and drive down to Drexel (my hometown) and watch the fireworks display with those that we considered family. I mean, I still loved watching fireworks and setting them off and all of that, but what I enjoyed most was being around those people that I loved! Now….Fourth of July to me is a time to pass on that love to the little people in my life. I watched Carl and Nathan set off fireworks last night and in conversation we started to re-live moments from our own childhoods or moments that we have lived with them. They ranged from Carl accidently setting a rocket off under my chair, to the time that I accidently set a roman candle off in my own face (I will get to that one here after a bit)! I mean, any time we all get together is a great time, but I think that holidays are probably my favorite! They just seem to have a different feel about them, a different feel to the air! Now as an adult, I love being on the watching side of things though, and seeing the younger kiddos start to make their own family holiday memories! Let them be goofy, serious, or just downright silly….either way, they hold on to them and maybe one day, they will be sitting in their room in the wee hours of the morning and will just giggle to themselves about remembering the past experience of a given holiday, much like what I did this morning. Some memories they will laugh about while they are being made, and others will take a bit. Take my roman candle incident for example…I did NOT think it funny at the time, and up until last year I still wouldn’t shoot them off. Even then, I shot half of one off and started freaking out. Here is what happened: I learned two valuable lessons that day….NEVER look down a roman candle barrel and NEVER listen to the drunk guy when it comes to firework safety. I was young (maybe like 10 or 12) and we (being my siblings and I) decided that we would take them to Drexel. Mom and dad were not sure if they would work or not, but we were welcome to try them. Anywho, I lit a roman candle and after standing there for about a minute or so, decided it wasn’t going to work. I asked one of our family friends where I should lay it…just in case it decided to go off later. He told me to check down the tube and see if I could see the light still burning, if so…hold on to it…if not, lay it down…it would be fine. Feeling like he would never lead me astray, I looked…and there was the blast I had been anticipating….straight into my eye….thankfully, I was wearing glasses….the first ball that hit knocked them off, but since my eyes were closed, the second flaming ball caused no damage to my eye. And if you are wondering, my mom can get to me from the porch of our friends house in two releases of a roman candle. By time the third one released, mom had already redirected the thing to shoot over the swingset. She tended to me and all was good. No permanent eye damage, no scar, no nothing….just a memory. Since 2008, I have been to Montana for Fourth of July a few times….which is always a great time. My aunt and uncle own a fireworks stand and so the fourth is….well a HUGE deal to them as well. I have missed a couple years there for weddings, on was my cousin’s and one was my sister’s wedding! I love the memories of days like that! Memories of days spent with family and friends doing what we do best…..celebrating! Celebrating freedom, celebrating independence, celebrating the greatest day in American existence, but most of all….celebrating each other and each other’s company! I have had so much fun making memories with family and friends during the last 21 years of my existence….here’s to hoping for many more memories with many more fantastic people! The first picture is of a firework we set off last year, the second of of my cousin Toria and I (yes we were wearing matching outfits.....don't judge! Also, don't judge my hair!), and the last picture is of my toe nails for the fourth! and my fun stars and stripes flip-flops....which I wore last night and I plan to wear again today! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monkies should NOT be allowed in space!:day 18/365

ok first off, let me apologize that this is technically posting on July Fourth! For now, lets all just pretend I am on a beach in California.....so I technically still have a little over an hour to get this done! I will still post after I get up about my July Fourths of the past! Anywho, today was spent hanging out with mom and Carl, and filled with oh so many things spontaneous, like buying stuff....you know...a bunch of fireworks....and a car! That's right....mom traded in the Impala for a Nissan Altima...well dad did rather! I like it....a lot! is is so comfy! Unfortunately, due to a malfunctioning firework (Space Monkey) the car almost suffered damage....along with various other objects and people. However, minus this little incident and the teeny tiny fire it caused, it was all good! You see, about 7 or so....we get the bright idea that we want to go get fireworks, our plan to do so was to use some of the change we had laying around the house....figuring we would come up with 15-20 bucks max! we started counting, and when all was said and done, we had 75 dollars! We went and bought a BUNCH of fireworks and were all enjoying a nice evening out watching Carl and Nate set off fireworks...then BAM! out of the blue.....one goes crazy and has us all going different directions.....no one got hurt though....so its all good! Anywho....you will hear about other Fourth of July mishaps and memories! Here is a picture to capture the night! it is of Nate and I while he was waiting to light a firework. the second one is of Carl and I!

Monday, July 2, 2012

From heartbreak to Japanese, and all things in between!: day 17/365

ok, so like 5 or 6 years ago, a friend of mine in California and I started writing these e-mails to one another. The whole point was to just put your feelings on paper and go with it! It started because he emailed me one time and said "hey, haven't heard from you in a while....how are things?" or something to that effect. I told him that I just had a lot on my mind, and I had been super busy. In his awesome, big brother fashion. I pretty promptly got an e-mail back, which pretty much means it came back less than a week later, that asked me of I wanted to talk about it. I tried and tried to write it all down in thought out sentences, but eventually just typed "this is really hard, I am going to do it this way, try and keep up, and if you can't then call me later" and I just typed out, with no structure and no real order.... everything that I was feeling. When I got a response back....he had typed his response in the exact same way....no regard to sentence, sentence structure, or really grammar for that matter! we through in the occasional apostrophe, but for the most part, grammar is optional. Anyhow, it was just something to do and something to look forward to most of the time! At times they are serious and at times they are just so plain goofy that the first line of the response is always LOL! anyway....one day, we said that we were going to turn it into a book one day and so I did. I was super upset and going back and reading them just made me REALLY giggle and such, so I printed them out and I put them in a book! Now, whenever I have a particularly rough or tough day, I take them out and read them and giggle about all the conversations we have had that have made us who we are (counting to ten in Japanese, counting to 1,000, jokes, talking about crushes, talking about life, etc.). As I said before, some serious, some....not so serious! Occasionally we slack...like now, and usually it is his fault, but that's ok cause we all need to slack every now and then! Anyhow....I think I may go send him one of what we have affectionately started calling our "Endless Ramblings of Nonsense!" Hopefully I will make him laugh, so I am going to have to think of something really good and funny! Here is the cover of our "book" OH! and an afterthought....I had my MRI today and I go to discuss the results with the doctor Thursday! Hopefully, I will be able to make a blog post about it then!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

sliding in under the radar today: day 16/365

tonight's post is going to be REALLY short and for that....I apologize! I have been super busy all day getting ready for my brother's birthday celebration! The party went well and everyone had a good time. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and so I am going to head to bed here soon so that I can get up in the morning and head to it with mom. I am getting an MRI done on the ankle. It is hurting after today's activities and such. I was so happy to see Dean and Betty, and I even got to see my Gracie Lou! I was soooooo happy! And I think I will get to see Dean and Betty here in a couple days for the fourth, since the firework display is cancelled here....but not there!
my foot in the walking boot.....hopefully only a temporary thing....will know more tomorrow!